The “Laboratory Biosafety Training Course”, organized by the Chair of Clinical Microbiology (University of Milan) and by the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Bioemergencies of Luigi Sacco University Hospital of Milan with the patronage of the Italian National Institute of Health (ISS – Istituto Superiore di Sanità), will be a five-day hands-on training course. The programme offers a first complete analysis of biological risk, and an introduction on biosafety and biosecurity as sets of measures that can help manage biological risk. Then, the course will mainly focus on biosafety measures (facility design and construction, laboratory equipment, Personal Protective Equipment, Good Laboratory Practices, laboratory accidents, biohazardous waste management and regulatory aspects). The second part will offer the participants the opportunity to experiment what they have learned in the theoretical lessons with tailored exercises at our premises (BSL-2, BSL-3 and BSL-4 facilities).

NEW! – IFBA’s Professional Certification Exam Session
We are pleased to announce that this year, in addition to the training programme, we are collaborating with the International Federation of Biosafety Association, to host an IFBA examination session and offer our participants the opportunity to obtain the IFBA Professional Certification (PC) in Biorisk Management.

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