Biosecurity & Biological Nonproliferation
Biosafety and biosecurity are fundamental elements of effective laboratory services and public health systems in the global fight against infectious diseases. Despite this central role, many laboratories still lack effective biosafety practices, equipment and infrastructure to conduct diagnostic and surveillance activities in a safe and secure manner. These circumstances not only present a risk to laboratory-acquired infections among healthcare workers, but also present a risk of release of infectious agents back into the surrounding community and environment preventing efforts to contain and control infectious diseases.
The IFBA and our Members are working in partnership to foster a culture of security among scientists with access to dangerous biological materials. Over the past several years, we have disseminated best practices and guidelines, assisted countries in strengthening their own policies, and conducted outreach and training workshops, with a focus on raising awareness about biological security and dual-use issues. Through ongoing interaction with BTWC Implementation Support Unit, the UN 1540 Committee and the UN Office of Disarmament Affairs, Biosafety Associations are assisting efforts to build capacity and support States in their implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention and UN Security Resolution 1540.