Association Togolaise de Biosecurité et de Biosureté (ATBSS)
Since 2017, the requirement to create an association that can promote BSS in Togo was pointed out by the GHSA. Thereafter, the CDC Atlanta and other international organization promote the creation of biosafety associations in countries. In Togo the ministry of health nominated national and regional biosafety officers. From that and collaboration with the Division of laboratory, the Togolese Biosafty and Biosecurity was created in 2022.
Goals and objectives of ATBSS:
The main goal of ATBSS is to promote biosafety and biosecurity in Togo and contribute to the improvement of the working environment of human and animal health professionals.
– Raise awareness of the concepts of Biosafety and Biosecurity among human and animal health professionals,
– Train human and animal health professionals in biological risk mitigation measures,
– Combat the proliferation of biological weapons,
– Promote proper management of biological waste,
– Promote good microbiological practices in healthcare establishments,
– Participate in the development of biosafety and biosecurity policy and legislation.
President: Gnatoulma KATAWA

Phone: +22893040661