Biorisk Management Association of Kenya (BMAK)
The IFBA is pleased to feature a different Member of our organization each month. “Get to Know our Members” serves to highlight the activities of our regional and national associations, allowing individuals to get to know others in our global biosafety community. Members are picked randomly each month to ensure equitable representation.
The Biorisk Management Association of Kenya (BMAK) is a non- governmental organization that promotes knowledge and understanding of biosafety and biosecurity issues in Kenya and supports the implementation of biorisk management practices.
- 1 Corporate Member
- 39 IFBA Certified Professionals in Biorisk Management
- 1 IFBA Certified Professional in Biosecurity
Photo Gallery

Haille Sellassie Avenue
Ex Telecoms House, Suite 413
P.O Box 2465 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 719508895