Georgian Biosafety Association (GeBSA)
The IFBA is pleased to feature a different Member of our organization each month. “Get to Know our Members” serves to highlight the activities of our regional and national associations, allowing individuals to get to know others in our global biosafety community. Members are picked randomly each month to ensure equitable representation.
Georgian Biosafety Association (GeBSA) was established in 2009.
Association is non-governmental not-for-profit organization, voluntary association of legal entities created for coordination of activities, presentation and protection of general valuable and other interests of its members dealing with biosafety and biosecurity issues on implementation of research, education and practical activities in Georgia.
The overall goal of GeBSA is development and implementation of integral requirements on all aspects of biosafety during the manipulations with material (infected by pathogen microorganisms or suspected as infected) in conformity with international rules and norms; promotion to organization and development of biosafety as priority direction in assurance of safety of population and environment.
To achieve this goal the Association accomplishes the following missions:
- Coordinates development of modern rules of biosafety taking into account the international standards in area of microbiology, laboratory diagnostics, virology, parasitology, and epizootology of infectious diseases;
- Assists members of Association in expertise and other assessments, development of standards, regulations, methods, manuals, recommendations, programs, and legislation drafts, harmonized with international requirements;
- Promotes development of research and science and technology potential of facilities and methods used in biosafety and biosecurity in various areas; practical implementation of up-to-date means of medical-biological safety; intergovernmental and international cooperation in area of biosafety and biosecurity;
- Promotes the implementation of modern rules of biosafety in microbiology, virology, parasitology, epidemiology, medical zoology, and clinical presentations of infectious diseases;
- Develops integral programs for training of specialists on a basis of international standards of biosafety; etc.
Association has about 70 members, mainly professionals who are involved in biomedical studies and work in clinical and diagnostic laboratories.
GeBSA is the member of International Federation of Biosafety Associations (IFBA), is affiliated with the American Biosafety Association (ABSA) and partner of the European Biosafety Association (EBSA).
GeBSA had provided several trainings on laboratory biosafety for our members and several clinical hospitals. During the trainings in hospitals we found that the situation with medical waste management is not sufficient. The survey on situation with biomedical waste management in Georgia was carried out.

9, M. Asatiani St.,
Tbilisi 0177 Georgia
Phone: +995 599 18 48 84