Download the program in pdf format here

Monday, January 20th
Pre-Conference Workshops
Cyberbiosecurity – 8:30am – 5:00pm
Biological Risk Assessment – 8:30am – 5:00pm

8:30am Workshop Registration
9:00am Workshop Commencement
10:30am Networking Tea Break (30min)
1:00pm Lunch Break (60min)
2:00pm Workshop Continued
3:30pm Networking Tea Break (30min)
5:00pm Workshop Completion

Tuesday, January 21st
Pre-Conference Workshops
Cyberbiosecurity (cont’d) – 8:30am – 5:00pm
DEI in Biosafety & Biosecurity – 8:30am – 1:00pm
Dual Use Research and Bioethics – 2:00pm – 5:00pm

8:30am Workshop Registration
9:00am Workshop Commencement
10:30am Networking Tea Break (30min)
1:00pm Lunch Break (60min)
2:00pm Workshop Commencement
3:30pm Networking Tea Break (30min)
5:00pm Workshop Completion

Wednesday, January 22nd
Global Voices Conference
Conference Centre / Tembo Room 8:30am – 5:00pm

8:30am Conference Registration (Conference Centre)
9:00am Opening Ceremony (Conference Centre)
• Broadcast of “Global Voices in Biosafety & Biosecurity” Video
10:00am Keynote Speaker (Conference Centre)
10:30am Networking Tea Break (30min)
11:00am Plenary Session (Conference Centre)
1:00pm Lunch Break (60min)
2:00pm Parallel Breakout Sessions
• Stream 1 – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Biosafety & Biosecurity (Conference Centre)
• Stream 2 – IFBA Member Association Meeting (By Invitation Only, Tembo Room)
3:30pm Networking Tea Break (30min)
4:00pm Parallel Breakout Sessions cont’d
• Stream 1 – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Biosafety & Biosecurity (Conference Centre)
• Stream 2 – IFBA Member Association Meeting (By Invitation Only, Tembo Room)
5:00pm End Conference Day 1

Thursday, January 23rd
Global Voices Conference
Conference Centre / Tembo Room 8:30am – 5:00pm

8:30am Morning Meet & Greet (Conference Centre)
• IFBA and TaBSA Conference Hosts
9:00am Plenary Session (Conference Centre)
10:30am Networking Tea Break (30min)
11:00am Plenary Session cont’d (Conference Centre)
1:00pm Lunch Break (60min)
2:00pm Parallel Breakout Sessions
• Stream 3 – Youth Leaders for A Vision of Tomorrow (Conference Centre)
• Stream 4 – Artificial Intelligence & Emerging Biosecurity Challenges (Tembo Room)
3:30pm Networking Tea Break (30min)
4:00 p.m.: Parallel Breakout Sessions cont’d
• Stream 3 – Youth Leaders for A Vision of Tomorrow (Conference Centre)
• Stream 4 – Artificial Intelligence & Emerging Biosecurity Challenges (Tembo Room)
5:00pm End Conference Day 2

7:00pm Gala BBQ Dinner (Mount Meru Hotel Garden)

Friday, January 24th
Global Voices Conference
Conference Centre / Tembo Room 8:30am – 3:30pm

8:30am Morning Meet & Greet (Conference Centre)
• Global Biosafety & Biosecurity Human Library
9:00am Plenary Session (Conference Centre)
10:30am Networking Tea Break (30min)
11:00am Parallel Breakout Sessions
• Stream 5 – Africa Women’s Network Meeting (Tembo Room)
• Stream 6 – One Health Approach to Biosafety & Biosecurity (Conference Centre)
1:00pm Lunch Break (60min)
2:00pm Parallel Breakout Sessions
• Viewing Scientific Posters & Exhibits (Conference Centre)
• Stream 5 – Africa Women’s Network Meeting (Tembo Room)
3:00pm Closing Ceremony
• Best Poster Award
3:30pm End Conference