Odile Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer
Board Member (Mali)
Dr. Oukem-Boyer is a French senior scientist. She holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in cellular biology and immunology from University of Aix-Marseille; a DEA in advanced immunology from University of Paris/Institut Pasteur and a PhD in life and health science from University of Lille.
During and after her PhD, she spent a few years as a lecturer in biology and chemistry in private schools. Since then, she has permanently worked in/with health research institutions in West and Central Africa. During the last 20 years spent in Africa, her career path has progressively evolved from primary researcher to deputy administrator, scientific director and director general in various African research centers in Niger, Gabon, and Cameroon. Her main research interests are tropical infectious diseases, clinical trials, bioinformatics and health research ethics. Dr. Oukem-Boyer is currently based in Bamako, Mali, where she works for the Fondation Mérieux. In 2016, through the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) program, she collaborated with the Mali Association for Biosafety & Biosecurity (MABB), and therefore interacted with IFBA. Besides her scientific background, she has significant experience in administration, human resources management, board of director and scientific council meetings, coordination of research programs and projects, project management, institutional communication, relations with governments, policy-makers, and with many technical and financial partners such as UN organizations, foundations, research funding agencies, and bilateral cooperation organizations involved in the health sector on the African continent. Overall, in addition to her scientific profile, she has developed skills at the executive management level.