Sacha Wallace-Sankarsingh
Latin America/Caribbean Regional Program Coordinator
Ms. Sacha Wallace-Sankarsingh, MSc, MPH (International Public Health), is an independent health security laboratory consultant with over fifteen years’ experience working with public health institutions focused on laboratory systems strengthening and addressing issues of biosafety and biosecurity in the Caribbean. Sacha has worked in both the public and private sectors beginning in her home country Guyana, before moving to Trinidad and Tobago, where she worked at the regional level for many years with CAREC and then CARPHA. Most recently she has supported the small island developing states through the PAHO/WHO Office for the Eastern Caribbean Countries. At the international level, Sacha is a member of the current WHO Technical Advisory Group on Biosafety (WHO TAG-B), a working group member for various initiatives including the Global Partnership’s Signature Initiative with the Africa CDC; The Sustainable Laboratories Initiative and has previously served as Chair of the GHSA APP3 on Biosafety and Biosecurity (2020-2021) and IFBA Board member (2020-2023).