Dr Tatyana Novossiolova is Senior Analyst at the Center for the Study of Democracy, Bulgaria combining research, training, and project-management experience. Her work covers the cross-cut between international law and security with a focus on policy sustainability, as part of which Tatyana researches the global governance of CBRN security and emerging challenges, such as disinformation. Tatyana is passionate about deliberative and participatory approaches for enhancing engagement among life science stakeholders with the social, ethical, and legal implications of biotechnology. Over the years, she has progressively worked on the design of awareness-raising and outreach activities and has delivered training for life science students and professionals in different regions of the world. In 2021, she served as an international consultant to the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine on the development of an advanced training programme on biosafety and biosecurity for local laboratory professionals. As a member of the Biological Security Research Centre at London Metropolitan University, UK, Tatyana has co-authored a five-part comics series that uses the cartoon format to encourage discussion and reflection on the dual-use potential of life science advances and the role of life scientists in safeguarding research and innovation against misuse. For over eight years now, Tatyana has been contributing to the activities of the International Federation of Biosafety Associations (IFBA) in different roles. Currently, she is serving on the IFBA’s Equity-Focused Coordinating Committee (ECC) which seeks to strengthen diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) in the context of biosafety and biosecurity. Tatyana is experienced with the application of active learning methods and ICT technology for training and has published widely in academic and policy circles. She holds a BA in International Relations and Security Studies and PhD in International Politics and Security, both earned at the University of Bradford, UK.