Meryem Lemrani
Board Member (Morocco)
Meryem Lemrani is a research Director Head of Leishmaniasis lab, Head of Communicable Diseases Division, Institut Pasteur du Maroc, Morocco, and IFBA Professional certified for Biorisk Management and Biosecurity.
Research priority and expertise
Meryem Lemrani is a Researcher Director expert on leishmaniasis. The research focuses on the preservation of human health. We are particularly interested in effective and sustainable national and international scientific cooperation. Over the past twenty five years, we have dedicated our research to building scientific capacity in two main areas:
(i) Molecular epidemiology of leishmaniasis and environmental factors impacting the repartition of this neglected disease in Morocco
(ii) Biosafety & biosecurity and all topics related to these disciplines
Our contribution to scientific capacity building has targeted not only scientists, but also governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Morocco, in the MENA region and in Sub-Saharan Africa.
For more than 25 years, we have worked closely with services in charge of Leishmaniasis Control Program in Moroccan Ministry of Health in the development of strategic plan to control leishmaniasis, doing operational and basic research of public health interests.
In collaboration with the Regional Health Directorates of the most leishmaniasis endemic provinces throughout Morocco, we have carried out several field studies on sand fly vectors and animal reservoir, we have also participated in diagnostic campaigns for cutaneous leishmaniasis, in raising awareness of the population about the risk of leishmaniasis, and in the training of health personnel involved in the prevention and control of leishmaniasis
Leishmaniasis is one of the most neglected diseases that deserves the implementation of effective research and capacity building and training of a new generation of researchers in this field. Thus, the key questions of our research cover the most relevant areas that can have a real impact on communities. In this context, I successfully participated and managed several projects. Indeed, I have been Principal investigator (PI), local coordinator of diverse international collaborative projects (EU programs, CRDF, NAS-USAID PEER program, ACIP…). I was also PI or co-investigator of national programs, collaborating with other Moroccan researchers and produced several peer-reviewed publications from each project. I trained more than 45 MSc, PhD and Post-Docs students and fellows from different countries. I organized a range of workshops and professional meetings and I am a founding member and co-coordinator of the National Multidisciplinary Reflection Committee on Leishmaniasis and member of Moroccan Research Network on Leishmaniasis. Vis-president in the executive board of Moroccan biosecurity association (MOBSA).