ALPA Supporting Professional Development & Training in Africa

ALPA Supporting Professional Development & Training in Africa
Gregers Chalker
Air and Lab Products Africa (ALPA) is proud to support the development and training of biomedical engineers and laboratory professionals throughout Africa. As a supplier of highly specialized biomedical and biocontainment equipment, we recognize the importance of providing hands-on technical training designed to assist laboratories in the ongoing maintenance of their equipment efficiently and effectively.
Biosafety professionals are part of this team effort and ALPA is pleased to support candidates towards obtaining their IFBA Professional Certification.
For further details, please visit our ALPA website
Africa, sponsored by
Air and Lab Products Africa
Air Filter Maintenance Services
How Does Sponsorship Work?
The IFBA partners with corporations and partners who wish to sponsor a candidate’s certification exam or recertification fees. Pairing of sponsors and candidates in a country or region is based on several criteria including:
- The sponsor’s desire to support an individual in a certain country or region based on their core business
- A need identified by the IFBA or its Member Biosafety Associations
- Requests from individual candidates for sponsorship of their exam fees
Payment for candidate exam fees are made directly to the IFBA Secretariat and not to the individual candidate.
If you would like to sponsor a candidate, or be sponsored, please contact the IFBA Secretariat at