Afghan Biorisk Association (ABA)
The IFBA is pleased to feature a different Member of our organization each month. “Get to Know our Members” serves to highlight the activities of our regional and national associations, allowing individuals to get to know others in our global biosafety community. Members are picked randomly each month to ensure equitable representation.
Following decades of war and conflict in Afghanistan, there was need to introduce and disseminate the culture of safe and secure health services practice and bioethics in all Public and Private, human and animal Labs and institutions. The Afghan Biorisk Association (ABA) is a non-governmental, non-political, a social Association that officially registered with the Ministry of Justice under the first registration #3239 in 2012. ABA mainly focuses on capacity building, institutionalizing the culture of biosafety & biosecurity, awareness of the International Health Regulations, Good Lab Practices (GLP), biological risk assessments, risk mitigations, training tools development , CWA 15793 Biorisk Management, WHO guidelines and the IATA transportation rules implementation through the collaboration of different National/International stakeholders and donors. ABA is pleased to have membership of International Federation of Biosafety Associations (IFBA) and graciously appreciate the kind support of Maureen Ellis for the establishment of ABA and her technical support for the growing of this association and the international network with recognized biosafety associations.
Our vision
Afghanistan free of risks caused due to the production/processing of Biological substances, chemicals, poisonous materials etc and counting of this country among other countries, implementing international standards/guidelines of Bio-Safety and Bio-Security.
Our Mission
To enhance the knowledge and practice of Bio-safety and Bio-security (BS&S) issues throughout Afghanistan and establish a strong and sustainable BS&S network in Afghanistan.
- To formulate a framework for promotion of best practices, standards, and codes of conduct in Life sciences at National ;
- Serve as recognized resource for professionals and scientific expertise in biological safety and security;
- To prevent diseases spreading and prohibit bioterrorism
- To act as an advocating body for reducing biological risks at national level
Photo Gallery

Near to Artal Bridge, District 2,
The Central Public Health Laboratories (CPHL),
Cinema Pamir, Kabul Afghanistan
Phone: +93787056485