IFBA Equity-Focused Coordinating Committee
The International Federation of Biosafety Associations’ Equity-Focused Coordinating Committee (IFBA ECC) serves to identify and implement objectives aimed towards sustainable equitable practice within global biosafety and biosecurity. The IFBA ECC is composed of a diverse set of professionals with demonstrated knowledge and experience in biosafety, biosecurity, and/or disciplines related to gender and intersectional equity. IFBA ECC Members steer the production of focused, quantifiable outcomes that are designed to empower, retain, and amplify the voices of marginalized members and leaders within biosafety and biosecurity communities. As such, the IFBA ECC intends to promote a global professional culture of accountability and inclusivity.
Members of the ECC serve two-year terms, during which they will work directly with the IFBA Secretariat and IFBA governance to help steer existing and emerging IFBA programming through feedback to the IFBA Board of Directors and Certification Body. IFBA ECC activities include continued relevant literature and policy review, IFBA Member Association Engagement, and collaboration with other relevant IFBA regional and institutional partners to foster sustainable and inclusive professional networks in biosafety and biosecurity.
If you have any questions regarding the IFBA ECC, including the application process, please contact Stephanie Norlock, IFBA Program Officer at s.norlock@internationalbiosafety.org
See the Equity-Focused Coordinating Committee Flyer here
Ongoing Projects
The Global Voices: Diversity is Strength” video launched during the opening ceremony of the IFBA conference
– Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Global Biosafety & Biosecurity
To assist our community, the IFBA, together with an international panel of experts, have compiled a set of policies, practices and cultural interventions which can be practically implemented and directly support DEI within a professional biosafety and biosecurity context. Each intervention is complemented by a set of performance measurement indicators that go beyond simple diversity representation quotas by considering equity and inclusion indicators specific to biosafety and biosecurity professionals.
Click here to view Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Biosafety Biosecurity – An Introduction
Click here to view Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Biosafety Biosecurity – The 7 Thematic Clusters
Click here or scan the QR code to access the Implementation Tool of Practical Interventions and Measuring Progress
This project was funded in part by the Weapons Threat Reduction Program of Global Affairs Canada.
– ASEAN Women’s Network for Biosafety & Biosecurity
The IFBA is pleased to collaborate with women champions from across the ASEAN region in the establishment of the ASEAN Women’s Network for Biosafety & Biosecurity. Click here to learn more about the Network’s key priorities connecting gender to biosafety & biosecurity across the ASEAN health security landscape.
– Women’s Network for the Global Partnership’s Signature Initiative to Mitigate Biological Threats in Africa
The IFBA is pleased to collaborate with the Global Partnership (GP) regarding the formation of a dedicated Women’s Network of African health security professionals. The GP’s Signature Initiative to Mitigate Biological Threats in Africa supports coordinated action by GP and African partners to address emerging and ongoing biothreats on the African continent. Practical implementation of the Signature Initiative’s threat reduction programs prioritizes gender equity and robust engagement of local women champions as a critical contributor to sustainable health security in Africa. This new Women’s Network will further define the unique contributions and perspectives of women professionals across African regions. Click here to learn more about the Women’s Network.
Click here to read the “Workshop Outcomes – Establishment of the Global Partnership’s Women’s Network to Mitigate Biological Threats in Africa“
Click to read the workshop outcomes in Arabic, French, Kiswahili, and Spanish languages.
The IFBA is grateful to the Weapons Threat Reduction Program, Global Affairs Canada, for their funding support towards this project.
– DEI in Biosafety & Biosecurity – A Need for Leadership
Cultivating diversity, equity and inclusion in biosafety and biosecurity is a key priority for the IFBA. In addition to working directly with biosafety professionals, the IFBA’s Equity Coordinating Committee is engaging with decision and policy makers, institutional top management, and other influential leaders to elevate DEI policy and program implementation at the organizational level. An engaged leadership with a solid commitment to DEI will positively impact all workers, including those on the frontlines, in the safe and secure handling of biological materials.
Click DEI here to read the 10 recommended action steps for high-level policy/decision makers and institutional top management to move beyond raising awareness and take meaningful action on DEI within their organizations.
The IFBA is grateful for the support provided by the Weapons Threat Reduction Program of Global Affairs Canada and Germfree for this project.
– Living Mosaic of Women Champions in Global Biosafety and Biosecurity
The IFBA is a non-profit, non-governmental organization which includes 48 professional biosafety associations around the world, as well as partners across public, private, and academic sectors. Within these networks are women biosafety and biosecurity professionals with diverse backgrounds, roles, and perspectives. Women make up much of the frontline response to global health security yet remain underrepresented in senior leadership and policy decision making which influences their work. Women are integral to health emergency preparedness and response across a variety of professional sectors engaged in biosafety and biosecurity activities, both inside and outside of the laboratory setting. The IFBA Equity-Focused Coordinating Committee and Germfree Laboratories are proud to present a Living Mosaic of Women Champions in Global Biosafety and Biosecurity. Join us in celebrating 5 women from across the globe who share their unique experiences and explore the strengths of women professionals in frontline and leadership roles.
Click here to view the IFBA Living Mosaic Event Series Flyer
.Watch the IFBA “Living Mosaic of Women Champions in Global Biosafety & Biosecurity” and join us in celebrating these 5 women from across the globe
This project was funded in part by the Weapons Threat Reduction Program of Global Affairs Canada.
– Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Global Biosafety and Biosecurity
Click here to learn more about this project and see the results of the ECC’s global survey.–