Preliminary Program, XV International Symposium of Biosafety and Biosecurity, August 22-25, Monterrey, Mexico
The International Biosafety and Biosecurity Symposium (SIBB) is a specialized [...]
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The International Biosafety and Biosecurity Symposium (SIBB) is a specialized [...]
Dear Colleagues, We are looking forward to seeing you at [...]
The International Federation of Biosafety Associations is pleased to welcome [...]
Biosafety Heroes Award The IFBA’s Biosafety Heroes program identifies [...]
IFBA’s Biosafety Heroes are exceptional and inspiring individuals honored by [...]
Biosafety Heroes Program The IFBA’s Biosafety Heroes program [...]
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into focus the significant demand [...]
It is widely recognized that a holistic, multisectoral and multidisciplinary [...]
A warmest greeting from A-PBA! We would like to cordially [...]
Biosafety and biosecurity professionals provide an essential role in safeguarding [...]